How to face your fears…and shift them!

We all have fears. They challenge us, anger us, push us into a corner and keep us stuck.

Yet how do you overcome them?

Fears are just emotion. Just like happiness but the opposite.

Fears feel heavy, they are scary, intimidating and quite often a huge barrier where you can’t see what is on the other side.

But if you push fear aside and decide not to look at it closely, it will either slip away and connect itself to you on a deeper level, and it will mostly certainly jump out and scare you just when you thought you had a handle on it.

You have fears. You know what they are.

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What is your driving force?

We all have triggers. We all have drivers.

What motivates one person, does not motivate another.

What lifts one person up, brings another down.

What is your driver?

Driving forces in life are about what motivates you to change and greatness.

What is it that pushes you forward past the pain and the stagnant place in your life to want to lift yourself up for more? For better?

What keeps you down? And why do you let yourself stay there?

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Let Pain Be Your Guide

Pain is not fun. And if you choose not to learn from it, it can really hurt. It can drag on and you may feel like you are in a never-ending cesspool of quick sand. That your life is falling apart, that you have no support, that your outlook on life is negative, that things will never get better and so on…

The victim mentality.

Because being a victim of your life’s tragedies can sometimes be “easier” then getting up, dusting yourself off and taking the bull by the horns. Seeing what needs to be seen. Making a different choice. Creating a different path.

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The Beacon Of Love

The beacon of light is what draws all creatures to its magnificence. It shines brightly and it offers light, and the way to see onto the pathway ahead of you. It is your guide. It is your support. It is your truth. If you follow the beacon of light through the darkness, it will offer

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