What is your driving force?

We all have triggers. We all have drivers.

What motivates one person, does not motivate another.

What lifts one person up, brings another down.

What is your driver?

Driving forces in life are about what motivates you to change and greatness.

What is it that pushes you forward past the pain and the stagnant place in your life to want to lift yourself up for more? For better?

What keeps you down? And why do you let yourself stay there?

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Let Pain Be Your Guide

Pain is not fun. And if you choose not to learn from it, it can really hurt. It can drag on and you may feel like you are in a never-ending cesspool of quick sand. That your life is falling apart, that you have no support, that your outlook on life is negative, that things will never get better and so on…

The victim mentality.

Because being a victim of your life’s tragedies can sometimes be “easier” then getting up, dusting yourself off and taking the bull by the horns. Seeing what needs to be seen. Making a different choice. Creating a different path.

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Signs of the Universe

I look at everything in my life as a sign. Sometimes I can miss them, as when life happens, stresses etc, you can easily just not see what is right there in front of you. So these signs come again, in a different way, bigger, bolder, more painful etc. They are always there. Do we always see them?

Being in the wrong place at the wrong time is never the wrong place.

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Love Vs Anger

Love and Anger are created equally. They have the same amount of energy, force, construction or destruction, and can both be very powerful in their own rights. Ponder this… We treat others with respect and graciousness, yet when it comes to ourselves we abuse and belittle ourselves. We do not provide the healing space within

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Self Love

When we look outside of ourselves for self love, quite often that is our emptiness speaking to us, whether we realise it or not. To feel abandoned, unsupported, in lack, unmotivated, un-nurtured etc…signs of lack of self love. So how do we turn this around, and implement within ourselves, what we are strongly seeking outward?

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The Beacon Of Love

The beacon of light is what draws all creatures to its magnificence. It shines brightly and it offers light, and the way to see onto the pathway ahead of you. It is your guide. It is your support. It is your truth. If you follow the beacon of light through the darkness, it will offer

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Letting Go

To hold onto that which sears and burns you only holds the purpose of pain. We all know what we need to let go of, far beyond the actual lesson, yet why do we still hang on? Learning comes in many ways. To rush past a lesson is to run from your fears and to

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