Destiny vs Free Will

Destiny is what life brings us. Free will is what action we take with what comes to us.

Can we create our own destiny?

How does free will play a part in our lives?

For many, they believe that destiny is what’s meant to be will be. And that is true for some things. But destiny can also be changed. Destiny can be re-written. That is where free will comes to play. You are in control of your life most of the time.

Synchronistic and “accidental” occurrences also play a part in destiny.

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Where does shame come from?

Why are we not allowed to be who we want to be, have what we want and be free?

Sometimes the perspectives of others pull us back. They make us feel like we are not good enough. That we are not allowed to express ourselves and so on.

But they are not the ones to blame.

We are the ones who must take responsibility for what we accept, how we feel and how we react.

If we are accepting ourselves to feel shamed, we are saying that we are not loved, not accepted and have nothing to offer. That we are nothing.

But deep down that is not the truth. The truth is that there is nothing to be ashamed of. We are all beautiful and unique. And we were not born to fit into the mould that others want us to be in.

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How to face your fears…and shift them!

We all have fears. They challenge us, anger us, push us into a corner and keep us stuck.

Yet how do you overcome them?

Fears are just emotion. Just like happiness but the opposite.

Fears feel heavy, they are scary, intimidating and quite often a huge barrier where you can’t see what is on the other side.

But if you push fear aside and decide not to look at it closely, it will either slip away and connect itself to you on a deeper level, and it will mostly certainly jump out and scare you just when you thought you had a handle on it.

You have fears. You know what they are.

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How small are you playing?

When you play small, who is it really serving?

When you limit yourself or be something you are not, who are you making happy?

Unfortunately this is a common theme among humanity.

You play and splash about in the small pond because you think that you will drown in the big pond.

You dumb yourself down so that others will be happy. So that others will follow you. So that others will love you.

But what part of you do they really love? The limiting part of you?

Or the magnificent part? A part you haven’t even touched upon yet?

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What is your driving force?

We all have triggers. We all have drivers.

What motivates one person, does not motivate another.

What lifts one person up, brings another down.

What is your driver?

Driving forces in life are about what motivates you to change and greatness.

What is it that pushes you forward past the pain and the stagnant place in your life to want to lift yourself up for more? For better?

What keeps you down? And why do you let yourself stay there?

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Toxic Relationships and YOU

Every relationship is the mirror of you. Simple.

It is a hard concept to understand when you don’t see it. But if you choose to look deeper within this theory you will see patterns that match your own.

What comes forth in your experience is what is vibrating from within.

Even those pesky people in your space who are needy, controlling, unsupportive, addictive, unloving, uncommitting etc.

They all reflect some part of you.

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Does saying YES honour you?

I admit, I tend to get caught up in the moment of when I want something really bad, that logic and intuition goes out the window and I say, YES! Only to realise, was that really what I wanted?

When you put an idea, an offer or a desire out to the Universe and it comes back to you, it can get really exciting. But you have to really look at what it is.

Is it what you truly desired, or are there just parts of it of what you wanted?

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Signs of the Universe

I look at everything in my life as a sign. Sometimes I can miss them, as when life happens, stresses etc, you can easily just not see what is right there in front of you. So these signs come again, in a different way, bigger, bolder, more painful etc. They are always there. Do we always see them?

Being in the wrong place at the wrong time is never the wrong place.

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Feel Your Own Pain…

How do we deal with our own stuff, when we just want to give it to someone else to deal with?

Let’s admit it, we have all done this at one point or another.

We want another to take away our pain. We don’t want to process it, see it, or deal with it.

It’s just too hard.

Yet the biggest step to self empowerment is to admit that something is wrong. Admit that life isn’t going the way we want it to. See where you are, and change directions if it is not flowing the way you want.

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Letting Go

To hold onto that which sears and burns you only holds the purpose of pain. We all know what we need to let go of, far beyond the actual lesson, yet why do we still hang on? Learning comes in many ways. To rush past a lesson is to run from your fears and to

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