Destiny vs Free Will

Destiny is what life brings us. Free will is what action we take with what comes to us.

Can we create our own destiny?

How does free will play a part in our lives?

For many, they believe that destiny is what’s meant to be will be. And that is true for some things. But destiny can also be changed. Destiny can be re-written. That is where free will comes to play. You are in control of your life most of the time.

Synchronistic and “accidental” occurrences also play a part in destiny.

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Signs of the Universe

I look at everything in my life as a sign. Sometimes I can miss them, as when life happens, stresses etc, you can easily just not see what is right there in front of you. So these signs come again, in a different way, bigger, bolder, more painful etc. They are always there. Do we always see them?

Being in the wrong place at the wrong time is never the wrong place.

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Letting Go

To hold onto that which sears and burns you only holds the purpose of pain. We all know what we need to let go of, far beyond the actual lesson, yet why do we still hang on? Learning comes in many ways. To rush past a lesson is to run from your fears and to

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