Soul Relationships

We all have relationships of some form.

We connect, we grow, we shrink and we learn.

All relationships bring us something we need. Our vibration brings us the right soul relationship that we need at the right time in our life.

What is your vibration bringing you?

There is an easy way to see this.

For everyone is your mirror. Everyone that you come across is speaking your language in energy.

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Destiny vs Free Will

Destiny is what life brings us. Free will is what action we take with what comes to us.

Can we create our own destiny?

How does free will play a part in our lives?

For many, they believe that destiny is what’s meant to be will be. And that is true for some things. But destiny can also be changed. Destiny can be re-written. That is where free will comes to play. You are in control of your life most of the time.

Synchronistic and “accidental” occurrences also play a part in destiny.

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The Power within you

What is power?

It is the driving force within you. Some use it to get ahead, others use it for themselves.

Which power do you hold?

The power within you is your willpower. It is your strength and it is what leads your life. If you allow others to lead your life, then you are giving them your power. And they are using their power and your power to get what they need.

There are those that do it consciously and those that do it unconsciously.

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Dream Stealers

Dream stealers.

We have all met them. Most of us are related to them or currently are or have been in a relationship with them.

What do they do? Steal your dreams.

Have you ever been so excited about something you wanted to do and in your excitement decided to share that news with someone, only for your balloon to be popped and inflated?

“Why do you want to do that for?” they say. “It’ll never work.” “You won’t achieve it.” “You will fail.” And on and on they go, with all the reasons why it can’t happen.

Suddenly that excitement that you felt just disappeared. POP! Gone!

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Start…Before you are ready.

Things don’t have to be perfect. Things will never be perfect. You have to create the moment of perfection to start anything.

That moment of perfection will never be perfect in itself. But in this moment it is perfect because you have started. Everything else will catch up.

You have made a promise to yourself about creating a beginning. There will be a middle. And not an end. For the journey will continue. There will be twists and turns, stops and starts, but you will keep moving.

That is what needs to happen. Move.

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Who’s life is it anyway?

When we go through life, we think that everything that we deal with is our own stuff. Wrong! It’s an interesting concept to understand. For we are living our own lives aren’t we? So how can we be carrying the energy of others? Simply, we are all energetically entangled. The strongest influences being our parents.

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