It’s Your Destiny
What is Destiny?
Is it meant to be or is it a choice you make that leads you to your destination?
Destiny is the blueprint of your life you make as a Soul.
You make this with your Soul group with whom you will be reincarnating with to learn your lessons and for your growth.
And amongst this Soul group are your Spirit Team.
Your Spirit Team are your coaches, your leaders, your supervisors and your cheerleaders.
Ascension – The Conscious Choice To RISE!
It is many things. It is change. It is healing. It is rising up.
What is it to you?
With the latest energy shifts on the planet, there is much talk of ascension. Some will ascend, and others may do so later. But in the end, we all have to rise at some point.
Energy Protection
To bubble yourself or not bubble yourself…that is the question!
In life, we all need protection. But how much is too much?
When you go through life fearing anything that may come out to get you, you naturally build walls.
And in those walls you feel safe.
You don’t let anyone in. And you don’t let anything out.
Do you feel safe?
Fear Goggles
When you see what you want to see or believe what you want to believe, you have fear goggles on.
Fear goggles hide the truth of what is real.
Fear goggles hide you behind a mask and distort what you see, so that you only see the limited picture of what you are seeing.
Much like beer goggles, fear goggles do not show you what is the truth with a clear head. They distort your image.
Neediness is like a drug.
It gives you an adrenalin kick and leaves you wanting for more.
That next fix. That drip feeding that leaves you satisfied until the next hit that you need.
Why does this fear have so much power over you and where does it come from?
How do you let go of this fear and what can you do so that you can look within and detox yourself of your addictive drug?
Neediness comes from lack. It comes from a space of not having enough, not being enough and feeling empty and insecure.
Why You Don’t Move Forward
Moving forward is a change that brings up much fear for many.
It is connected to many different and common fears that most aren’t aware of.
Moving forward is about letting go. It is about creating change and disrupting your “comfortable” space. It is about movement and newness. It is about placing yourself in unknown territory. And it is about Faith and Trust.
Moving forward isn’t always so easy for some. They prefer to stay stuck, frustrated and angry.
The Blame Game
Blame is an energy that keeps you down.
Blame dis-empowers you.
Blame keeps you stuck.
Blame is allowing yourself to not take personal responsibility for yourself, the way you feel, your actions and your life.
Blame is not aligned to who you truly are.
Stop blaming.
What is it to blame?
When someone says or does something to you and you feel a certain way…it is not their fault. But you blame.
Heart and Soul
What is it to love from the Heart?
True and Unconditional Love.
Does Unconditional Love exist?
What does it feel like?
Many of you love with condition. Conditions are borne out of fear. Conditions are about control. Conditions are created so that those with insecurity will not get left behind. So that they will not feel unloved.
To be in an unconditional space is living without fear. It is about being in a space of trust. It is about facing your fears and knowing that you will be ok, no matter the outcome.
The Perfect Relationship
How do you create the ‘Perfect Relationship?’
Many are looking for that perfect, flawless experience.
Does it exist?
How can you create peaceful, harmonious relationships?
How can you co-exist in a space where many have different views, ideals, beliefs and habits?
There are really 3 main types of relationships. And in each one different insecurities arise.
Tips for Manifesting
The focus of your thoughts is a very crucial point to attracting to you what you desire.
For if you focus on what you feel negative about, you will get more of that!
Even though deep in your heart you want something different and better…your deep rooted fears that lie sitting dormant in your subconscious can still lead you to what you want to avoid.
When you wish for what you want, it is vital to pay attention.
For signs come often. These signs come along to nudge you, guide you and inspire you.
And in this inspiration they call for you to take action.