
Fear Goggles

When you see what you want to see or believe what you want to believe, you have fear goggles on.

Fear goggles hide the truth of what is real.

Fear goggles hide you behind a mask and distort what you see, so that you only see the limited picture of what you are seeing.

Much like beer goggles, fear goggles do not show you what is the truth with a clear head. They distort your image.


Neediness is like a drug.

It gives you an adrenalin kick and leaves you wanting for more.

That next fix. That drip feeding that leaves you satisfied until the next hit that you need.

Why does this fear have so much power over you and where does it come from?

How do you let go of this fear and what can you do so that you can look within and detox yourself of your addictive drug?

Neediness comes from lack. It comes from a space of not having enough, not being enough and feeling empty and insecure.

Moving forward is a change that brings up much fear for many.

It is connected to many different and common fears that most aren’t aware of.

Moving forward is about letting go. It is about creating change and disrupting your “comfortable” space. It is about movement and newness. It is about placing yourself in unknown territory. And it is about Faith and Trust.

Moving forward isn’t always so easy for some. They prefer to stay stuck, frustrated and angry.

What is it to love from the Heart?

True and Unconditional Love.

Does Unconditional Love exist?

What does it feel like?

Many of you love with condition. Conditions are borne out of fear. Conditions are about control. Conditions are created so that those with insecurity will not get left behind. So that they will not feel unloved.

To be in an unconditional space is living without fear. It is about being in a space of trust. It is about facing your fears and knowing that you will be ok, no matter the outcome.

Greed stems from need.

Need connects to desperation.

Desperation lacks from love.

All connect into each other.

You may not think you are greedy, but how much are you taking from others that you don’t need to be taking?

You have it all within you. So why aren’t you building upon that and increasing your own inner wealth?

When you take and take and take, it is because you are always longing for more outside of you. You have this idea and belief that you don’t have enough.

We all have a money story. Each individual’s experience is self created despite what that story is.

If you are in a place where your story is one of lack or poverty, chances are that your beliefs will highlight that you did not create this.

Those that are in a more abundant space, will certainly own up to their story, that they did indeed create their current reality.

When you are stuck in a negative money story, you create experiences, cycles, patterns and loops that just keep repeating themselves.

How does worshipping harm you?

When you worship you are putting someone or something up on a pedestal.

You are already setting yourself up for failure.

For when you see everything outside of you as being better, giving it more energy and making it untouchable, then you do not see yourself clearly.

Yes you can have passions towards something or someone. Yes you can care very much about something or someone outside of you.

But when you put so much focus on something outside of you, this causes problems.

Why are we not allowed to be who we want to be, have what we want and be free?

Sometimes the perspectives of others pull us back. They make us feel like we are not good enough. That we are not allowed to express ourselves and so on.

But they are not the ones to blame.

We are the ones who must take responsibility for what we accept, how we feel and how we react.

If we are accepting ourselves to feel shamed, we are saying that we are not loved, not accepted and have nothing to offer. That we are nothing.

But deep down that is not the truth. The truth is that there is nothing to be ashamed of. We are all beautiful and unique. And we were not born to fit into the mould that others want us to be in.