Where does shame come from?

Why are we not allowed to be who we want to be, have what we want and be free?

Sometimes the perspectives of others pull us back. They make us feel like we are not good enough. That we are not allowed to express ourselves and so on.

But they are not the ones to blame.

We are the ones who must take responsibility for what we accept, how we feel and how we react.

If we are accepting ourselves to feel shamed, we are saying that we are not loved, not accepted and have nothing to offer. That we are nothing.

But deep down that is not the truth. The truth is that there is nothing to be ashamed of. We are all beautiful and unique. And we were not born to fit into the mould that others want us to be in.

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Ego vs. Soul

Ego and Soul.

Two sides of the coin. One thrives on insecurity, the other thrives on love, truth and grace.

We are all black and white. Yin and yang. Day and night.

We need to be all shades so that we can grow, expand and come back to who we truly are.

We are souls. We vibrate the energy of a soul. But many become lost. Many lose their way. And many turn to the ego self to survive.

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Why is Self Love important?

Self Love is often misunderstood. It is not about looking in the mirror and telling yourself that you love you.

Self Love reflects all of our choices in life. It is who we are, who we become, how we treat ourselves and let others treat us, it is in our journey and experiences in life.

When you practice Self Love, it is truly life changing.

Some of the misconceptions of Self Love, is what it actually is.

If you keep getting the same experiences in life where you are taken advantage of, disrespected, feel alone or fear your journey in life you are not practicing Self Love.

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Where is the Love?

Love is within us. That has been said over and over again. Yet how do you find that love when all you see is pain? The perspective that is front and centre and your current reality is vibrating with such intense pain. It is hard to hold the hope and faith that love is indeed

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Emotional Responsibility

To be responsible in your emotions is to own them. For when you own your own emotions, you stop playing the victim. In playing the victim, you are basically saying that everything that you are experiencing, and everything that happens to you is everyone else’s fault. There are many people and situations involved in your

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Love Is Money, Money Is Love

When one lacks money, one really lacks love. This is a strange theory, yet one that needs undoing to be seen for its truth. For if we dig deeper into the reasons that one does not have the money flow that is required, one will see that deeper down, love is missing. Love being described

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